Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who's Doing the TRY and Why? Laura Mikiska

Posted with permission of Vincennes Sun Commercial
Thursday, May 13, 2010 3:59 PM EDT

Laura Mikiska has been involved with the SIS Women’s TRYathlon from the very beginning. She started as a volunteer and has evolved to a competitor.

After directing and cheering the bicyclists as they passed by the first two years, Mikiska realized that there were ladies of all ages participating, and with some encouragement from her sister-in-law, Teresa Siewers, the two decided to get out there and do it.

Mikiska is looking forward to her second TRY and hopes to improve her overall time. She is a firm believer in the YMCA training classes and feels fitter and healthier as a result. Mikiska’s favorite events are biking and swimming. She especially enjoys rising to the challenges presented by the Y swimming instructors, Tiffany Petts and Sandy Bohmeier. Mikiska finds running difficult, but the part she dreads most is Saturday class at 7:30 a.m. “I’m just not a morning person!” she exclaims. Mikiska also likes mixing up her exercise routine a bit with Zumba classes.

Mikiska has worked as an administrative assistant with M.G. Grundman & Sons for the past 27 years, and she appreciates the support she receives from her co-workers and family. Cheering her on at the TRY will be her husband, sons and granddaughter. Her daughter-in-law, Megan Mikiska, a TRY training class instructor, will be participating in the TRY as well.

When Mikiska had doubts about the TRY, she looked to the accomplishments of her children for inspiration. Her sons, Eric Mikiska and Chris Mikiska, along with Megan, each made it through Army National Guard boot camp, and Eric also competed in the Chicago Marathon. Mikiska found herself thinking, “If they can get through boot camp, surely if I train hard, I can do the TRY!”

Mikiska’s best advice to anyone interested in the TRY, “Get involved in the training classes. The sisterhood shared is great, and someone will always be there to encourage you when you think you can’t go any longer. I have made so many friends.” Mikiska went on to say, “No matter what your time is once you cross the finish line, the feeling of accomplishment is unbelievable. You just did a TRYathlon!”

Registration is under way for the fourth SIS Women’s TRYathlon on June 13 at Gregg Park. The registration deadline will be May 15.

The TRY is for women 16-years-old and up and will consist of a 1⁄4-mile swim in the Rainbow Beach pool, a 9-mile bike ride and a 3-mile run. Women may register to do the entire TRY or as part of a team. Registration forms can be printed from at the TRYathlon sidebar or can be picked up at the Knox County Public Library, the Vincennes YMCA or the Knox County Community Foundation office on the third floor of Old National Bank at Third and Busseron Streets. For additional information, contact Kathy Rinsch at 886-0093 or

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