Several of the local ladies have kept in touch - kind of at loose ends now that we aren't in TRY training and headed to Vincennes 3 times a week! We've all pledged to keep up our exercise - having worked so hard it seems silly to let it all slide (! - no pun intended - ok - maybe it was!).
One of the group had tumbled onto another triathlon in about 6 weeks in Mattoon ... so Jim and I took a road trip Saturday up to Mattoon – the August 1st event is very doable for us!
It is a USA Triathlon sanctioned event – I am told it will attract the elite triathletes, the beginner triathletes, and every one in between! Registration is online only via the Mattoon Multisport site (
We entered Mattoon from the south on 45 – turn left at the stop light at Marshall (you’ll see the Auto Zone on the left and it’s the next cross street). It’s quite a ways up – just before 45 takes the sharp right turn. There are 2 lanes of traffic each way plus a center turning lane on 45 all the way up from the 57 interchange on.
From Marshall you’ll go down quite a ways (10-12 blocks or so) and then turn right onto 32nd – 32nd street is under construction at this time – I don’t know enough about paving to know if it will be fixed by the time of the event or not – looks like it is scraped all the way to base so it’s gritty and uneven at best.
Lytle Park is on the left after the railroad tracks and 32nd is the east border of the park. We turned into the park at the second entrance and parking is on the right (gravel lot) and pool on the left up a bit. Pool entry was $4 so we just took photos from outside the fence. I didn’t mind the chain link fence at all, but the barbed wire section on the top was a little ominous. I had to hold the camera well above my head to clear the chain link sections yet tilt it to stay under the barbed wire – I’m surprised the pool folks didn’t challenge us; we must not have looked too threatening. Also surprised I didn’t manage to drop the camera!
Per Justin, the chatty pool manager I spoke with by phone, we will be able to ‘run’ in almost half of the first 100 meters, then do a shallow dive, swim the ‘M’ course, and part way back on the last 100 meter leg we’ll have our feet under us and run out. Also per Justin, it’s more of a 200 meter swim and he has an outstanding lifeguard staff that will keep a close eye on us! Justin wasn’t around on Saturday, but pool staff told us the transition area is in the grass just outside the pool house – if that is correct we’ve got a photo of it t
The bike route goes out the lane we drove in on (or there is an exit just a bit north at the other end of the gravel parking lot). Left onto 32nd, up a block to the north end of the park, left onto Western, down a block to 33rd (on the right), then straight out of town. 33rd is all marked up as if it is doing to be resurfaced as well, but was fairly intact as of Saturday.
After a few blocks on 33rd there is a 2 way stop at DeWitt with a gas station on the corner. 4 lanes of traffic going east and west (we are going north) that does not stop – surely there will be law enforcement to cross us… After that it’s a straight shot out with just one 4 way stop intersection out in the middle of some corn fields. Good concrete road – you can see forever – it reminded me of Ste. Marie if you go north from Seven Hills Road. Some slight inclines but nothing that could be called a hill. Might could be called a grind though …
The spot on the map marked as the turn around point was a small gravel lot with some silos – nothing else around that could be the turnaround area either – just a whole lot of not much out there! I think we saw 2 cars on our way out and back (we drove it as it was high noon and the car told us it was 95 degrees).
You get back into the park the way you left it. Take the ‘road’ in the park around the back of the pool and out onto 32nd again – this time from the southernmost entrance to the park. There are about 10 speed bumps along this access road. Back left/up 32nd like we did on the bikes to the corner of Western again. This time turn right (east) onto Western and go down to 21st, circle an empty block, back onto Western headed west and back to the park. This road has sidewalks on both sides, houses set way back on the lots, some shade. The street itself is a lot like East (although flat) – plenty of room for 2 lanes of traffic and cars to park on both sides. No clue as to whether we ‘run’ in the street or on the sidewalk.
This is a coed event. There is nothing jumping out at me in the material that indicates there are separate flights for men/women. Teams are allowed and may also be coed. My registration was $60.80 and includes a one day USA Triathlon (USAT) membership. As near as I can tell all it takes to be a USAT member is a credit card! I have already registered online and it never asked me for a swim time – but Tony Garrett from Mattoon Multisport and Justin the pool manager each said participants would enter according to swim time.
I’m in – I figure if I’m going to continue ‘training’ I might as well have something to train for! At least we won’t have a time change to deal with! Not overly wild about running with the alpha males, but then I’ll be in the back with the omega females anyway!
I've got photos of the pool/park and the swim/ride/run routes - and registration details - let me know if you want them!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
What We've Learned ... or ... The Blooper Reel!
the slowest rider in the group probably shouldn't be the one holding the keys to the car holding all the water!
urping on your car window/door (rather than over your passengers and car's carpet) will result in stuff dripping inside the door frame and short out the window motor!
sports bra with zipper on the front will really hurt when laying face down on the exercise balls!
'naked' fruit drink that tastes really good going down will come up in your throat while biking really fast/hard on a really hot day!
a women's only event brings out the best in all of us, toward all of us, for all of us
if you change in your office before headed to TRY training, the only time you lock yourself out of the office - requiring Maintenance and/or Security staff to let you in so you can get your stuff and leave - will be when you decided to go to the bathroom AFTER applying spandex and only when you mystically have a Medium size t-shirt (to cover up the spandex) instead of a Large!
probably best to use all your fingers to wave back to the bike riders who are so cheerfully breezing back in just when you are first headed out on the bike ride!
somehow a discussion on body piercing and tattoos led to a series of deep thoughts about how we could 'clip in' to our bike seats like some of us 'clip in' to our pedals - and whether that would cause us to pedal faster or not ...
this exercise thing gets to be a habit - and it's highly contagious!
take your allergy or asthma medicine before starting training as you can count on someone being out in their yard mowing
when we are asked to swim half the length of the pool, somersault, and continue the rest of the length it's good to have a spotter to make sure we don't get disoriented and swim the wrong way after the somersault!
laugh quietly during core training when the instructor says 'downward facing dog' as she controls our destiny until the end of the session - although overall the TRY training instructors are a special kind of saint
most of us are only truly 'racing' against our own selves / our minds
at the start of the event the timing buzzer was really annoying but nothing was sweeter than the last buzz as we crossed the finish line!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Pictures from the Big Event!
Five Olney Angels - geared up and ready to go!
So here we are in our transition area full of adrenaline and no outlet yet!
Bits and pieces are coming back to me about the day:
- how supportive the zillion event volunteers in the bright orange shirts were of the participants
- helpers at the end of every swim lane to be sure we turned in the right direction
- helpers to make sure we didn't get lost in the pool house (it could happen!)
- helpers to get us over the timing pad on our way in and out of the bike route
- helpers (uniformed law enforcement) to get us through the left turn onto Washington
- helpers on bikes riding the bike route with saddle bags - I believe they were available to help had anyone thrown a chain, had a blow out, etc. - I didn't observe anyone down on the side of the road but nice to know I wouldn't have been stranded
- very little traffic on the road - at least while I was out - I guess most residents find other routes
- helpers at every intersection on the bike route - and many folks along the side to encourage all participants - not just 'their' athlete
- folks in the neighborhood where we ran who called encouragement from their porches - and those who had their sprinklers on so we could cool off if we wanted
- a few youngish boys who were more than happy to spray us with their hoses if we wanted!
- water at 2 spots along the run route - no cups rolling around on the ground either - trash cans were about 50' past the water table and we used them!
- helpers on the way back knew how far we were from the finish line - 3/4ths a mile, 1/2 a mile, etc.
- uniformed law enforcement to cross us at Washington (2 spots) and St. Clair (2 spots)
- how well marked and supervised our every step was - any point in the day where we could have possibly veered off course there was at least one volunteer (often more) to make sure we went the right way
- so grateful that I didn't have to bend over or crouch down to remove my timing chip - volunteers did this for us!
- every participant received a medal as soon as their chip was off - ribbon is pink!
- a ton of food available - and we were steered through a chute to it so that we couldn't possibly miss it - pizza, ice cream, milk shakes, sub sandwiches cut into bite size pieces, grapes, bananas, apples, oranges cut into quarters, and bags to carry it all in - and water, water everywhere!
- all hands to the finish line to greet the volunteer 'Last to TRY' - how cool was that!
- trophies for 1-2-3 finishers in each age group, top 3 teams, and for 1-2-3 finishers overall - 3 of the Illinois group of 20 trophied in their age group!
- nice group of supporters from Olney to cheer us on - very much appreciated!
- I could have sworn I saw 2 leprechans doing an Irish jig along the transition route! Thanks Hannah and Josh!
The strength of an event organized by and for women - just can't be beat!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Have successfully completed my FIRST triathlon! What a hoot!
After loading up 2 of everything I could possibly need for the event (no spare bike, however) and wandering through the house numerous times trying to remember what I forgot, we were about 20 miles from home on Saturday night when I realized I did not have the butterfly balloon! I had picked it up and it was in the basement, but not part of my usual routine and totally missed it. Bless his heart, we just turned around and came home for it, making us arrive a little later to Gregg Park than anticipated.
I already had 2 American Cancer Society tattoos on my shoulders and 2 Celtic themed tattoos on my ankles - and remembered not to use any body oil so that the Sharpie would write well. I was participant #294 (numbering started at 100 or 101 so that all 3 digit numbers were used). Most of the angels were there - one had already arrived and left - so after we were marked and picked up our goody bags we decided to head out to carb up! Montana Mike's was the destination and my salad, sweet potato, and salmon were simply scrumptious!
We opted to stay the night at Kimmel Park and other than the thunder and lightening as we were settling in for sleep nothing unusual there. Up at 5:30 Vincennes time (4:30 Olney time) and hot foot it over to Gregg Park to snag 'good' transition spots. The rest of the angels arrived in bits and pieces and we eventually got our treasures just the way we wanted them and headed out for our timing chips. While we were there we had our photos taken with Tiffany and gave our thanks, again, for all the work she and the YMCA staff put into attempting to get us ready for the day!
After more aimless milling about, all participants were lined up for a photo on the pool deck. No one wanted to be in the front row and hold the sign but I jumped at the chance - let's see - sit down - sign in front of me so only my flip flops are poking out the bottom and my face poking out the top - I'll be easy to find in the photo!
All the 'high number' ladies were at the pool edge to cheer on the first swimmers, and we got more chatty as our turn got closer. For me, a nonswimmer, the pool was going to be the hardest part. I did actually swim the first 50 meters, then followed my 'plan' to be on my back the second 50 - I didn't run into any other swimmers, but probably swam 100 meters to get to the other end as I was apparently zig-zagging my way from one lane rope to the other. For lane 3 and most of the rest of the way alternated some front crawl with side stroke and the occasional stretch on my back when no one else was around. Still - got out in a little more than 17 minutes and wasn't too wobbly.
Our 'sham-wow-aqua-towel' worked great and I had my cap, goggles, and top of swim suit peeled down and pretty much dried off by the time I got to my bike. Didn't take too long once I got to the bucket and off on the ride we went. Of course, the good swimmers had been long gone and they were headed out on their runs as I was headed out on my ride, but you'll have that.
Ride uneventful other than the big wind in our faces on the way back - many law enforcement and volunteers along the way to keep us safe and cheer us on. Dropped the bike and kept on moving for the run (read that walk) - folks at every intersection, miles marked, water in two places - and 3 of the grandchildren at the finish line along with quite a crowd from our little town!
Full results are on line at the Knox County Community Foundation website ( - click on the TRYathlon button on the left to get to that section. All our ladies from across the river finished safely and 3 were in the top 3 finishers in their age groups!
For myself - just finishing was a tremendous cap to this wonderful journey - believe I came in 201st with a 17 minute swim, 47 minute bike and 51 minute 'run' - total time of 2 hours and a few seconds! Can't wait to do it again and can't wait to have our own White Squirrel Mini Triathlon in Olney in September 2011!
After loading up 2 of everything I could possibly need for the event (no spare bike, however) and wandering through the house numerous times trying to remember what I forgot, we were about 20 miles from home on Saturday night when I realized I did not have the butterfly balloon! I had picked it up and it was in the basement, but not part of my usual routine and totally missed it. Bless his heart, we just turned around and came home for it, making us arrive a little later to Gregg Park than anticipated.
I already had 2 American Cancer Society tattoos on my shoulders and 2 Celtic themed tattoos on my ankles - and remembered not to use any body oil so that the Sharpie would write well. I was participant #294 (numbering started at 100 or 101 so that all 3 digit numbers were used). Most of the angels were there - one had already arrived and left - so after we were marked and picked up our goody bags we decided to head out to carb up! Montana Mike's was the destination and my salad, sweet potato, and salmon were simply scrumptious!
We opted to stay the night at Kimmel Park and other than the thunder and lightening as we were settling in for sleep nothing unusual there. Up at 5:30 Vincennes time (4:30 Olney time) and hot foot it over to Gregg Park to snag 'good' transition spots. The rest of the angels arrived in bits and pieces and we eventually got our treasures just the way we wanted them and headed out for our timing chips. While we were there we had our photos taken with Tiffany and gave our thanks, again, for all the work she and the YMCA staff put into attempting to get us ready for the day!
After more aimless milling about, all participants were lined up for a photo on the pool deck. No one wanted to be in the front row and hold the sign but I jumped at the chance - let's see - sit down - sign in front of me so only my flip flops are poking out the bottom and my face poking out the top - I'll be easy to find in the photo!
All the 'high number' ladies were at the pool edge to cheer on the first swimmers, and we got more chatty as our turn got closer. For me, a nonswimmer, the pool was going to be the hardest part. I did actually swim the first 50 meters, then followed my 'plan' to be on my back the second 50 - I didn't run into any other swimmers, but probably swam 100 meters to get to the other end as I was apparently zig-zagging my way from one lane rope to the other. For lane 3 and most of the rest of the way alternated some front crawl with side stroke and the occasional stretch on my back when no one else was around. Still - got out in a little more than 17 minutes and wasn't too wobbly.
Our 'sham-wow-aqua-towel' worked great and I had my cap, goggles, and top of swim suit peeled down and pretty much dried off by the time I got to my bike. Didn't take too long once I got to the bucket and off on the ride we went. Of course, the good swimmers had been long gone and they were headed out on their runs as I was headed out on my ride, but you'll have that.
Ride uneventful other than the big wind in our faces on the way back - many law enforcement and volunteers along the way to keep us safe and cheer us on. Dropped the bike and kept on moving for the run (read that walk) - folks at every intersection, miles marked, water in two places - and 3 of the grandchildren at the finish line along with quite a crowd from our little town!
Full results are on line at the Knox County Community Foundation website ( - click on the TRYathlon button on the left to get to that section. All our ladies from across the river finished safely and 3 were in the top 3 finishers in their age groups!
For myself - just finishing was a tremendous cap to this wonderful journey - believe I came in 201st with a 17 minute swim, 47 minute bike and 51 minute 'run' - total time of 2 hours and a few seconds! Can't wait to do it again and can't wait to have our own White Squirrel Mini Triathlon in Olney in September 2011!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Got the Butterflies - Well, At Least One!
Well, of all the times for the Internet to be broken - could not connect from home last 2 days via laptop but came to the public library Saturday morning and it works like a charm! Go figure - like I need something else to stress over!
Here's what's been happening:
Friday I checked the Knox County Community Foundation website (as I do once a week or so) and found 4 pages of 'rules' for the event - go figure! After consideration, and discussion with some of the ladies who have done this before, we are thinking this document may not strictly apply.
For example, it says swimmers line up in the water in the lane closest to the wall - and that is shown on the site map too. However, later in the 'rules' it says we'll line up in entry number in the paved area and enter the water after crossing the timing pad. That matches what we've been told by event staff.
Elsewhere it says your participant number = your location in line to enter the water for the swim. I'll buy that and am getting psyched to have a 300+ number! However, it also says that our transition space is assigned based on our participant number - that doesn't jive with what we've been told ... I guess we'll find out!
Today (Saturday) is a day of 'rest' and since it was raining (or threatening to rain), humid (or raining), and hot (because of course all the rain would NOT cool things off except perhaps to drop the temperature from 91 to 90!) Thursday and Friday were also days of rest!
Many folks dropped by the office on Friday to wish us luck - some may even be making the trip over to see it with their own eyes! Others want to be sure I'll be at work on Monday so they can hear all about it! We are having the best time getting ready I don't know what I'll do after we're done!
My youngest daughter (the artsy fartsy one - and that's a good thing) has decorated a bucket for me - 5 green glitter shamrocks with the names of each of the granddaughters and the slogan of: Meemaw's Lucky Charms! Too cute! She tried to paint the bucket green but it only 'stuck' around the top (or bottom when I'm sitting on it)! She also has had t-shirts made for the girls and they plan to come over - let's see, get 4 girls ages 7-5-2-4 months up, dressed, fed and on the road by 7 a.m. Illinois time to get to the event (time difference really impacts!) by 9:00 a.m. - I think I'd rather do the TRY than that!
The shamrock helium balloon I had talked about months ago apparently is no where to be found now - so am going with an oversize pink and purple butterfly helium balloon with an 8' string and a weight to help find my place in the transition area instead! I'm not so much worried about drowning in the pool anymore as I am concerned about squandering precious time in the transition area because I can't find my stuff! Minutes matter!
Three of the angels went over to the YMCA in Vincennes this morning for the breakfast for the TRY training group - I stayed here in town to help out at the Hospice 'Memory Miles' and saw a little bit about how a 5 k walk/run can be organized - still in the learning mode to have our own event in September 2011! They said it was really nice and also to disregard the part in the rules about the transition spaces being assigned based on participant number.
This time tomorrow I'll have successfully completed my FIRST triathlon - can't wait!
Good luck to all other TRY ladies - see you tomorrow - look for the butterfly!
Here's what's been happening:
Friday I checked the Knox County Community Foundation website (as I do once a week or so) and found 4 pages of 'rules' for the event - go figure! After consideration, and discussion with some of the ladies who have done this before, we are thinking this document may not strictly apply.
For example, it says swimmers line up in the water in the lane closest to the wall - and that is shown on the site map too. However, later in the 'rules' it says we'll line up in entry number in the paved area and enter the water after crossing the timing pad. That matches what we've been told by event staff.
Elsewhere it says your participant number = your location in line to enter the water for the swim. I'll buy that and am getting psyched to have a 300+ number! However, it also says that our transition space is assigned based on our participant number - that doesn't jive with what we've been told ... I guess we'll find out!
Today (Saturday) is a day of 'rest' and since it was raining (or threatening to rain), humid (or raining), and hot (because of course all the rain would NOT cool things off except perhaps to drop the temperature from 91 to 90!) Thursday and Friday were also days of rest!
Many folks dropped by the office on Friday to wish us luck - some may even be making the trip over to see it with their own eyes! Others want to be sure I'll be at work on Monday so they can hear all about it! We are having the best time getting ready I don't know what I'll do after we're done!
My youngest daughter (the artsy fartsy one - and that's a good thing) has decorated a bucket for me - 5 green glitter shamrocks with the names of each of the granddaughters and the slogan of: Meemaw's Lucky Charms! Too cute! She tried to paint the bucket green but it only 'stuck' around the top (or bottom when I'm sitting on it)! She also has had t-shirts made for the girls and they plan to come over - let's see, get 4 girls ages 7-5-2-4 months up, dressed, fed and on the road by 7 a.m. Illinois time to get to the event (time difference really impacts!) by 9:00 a.m. - I think I'd rather do the TRY than that!
The shamrock helium balloon I had talked about months ago apparently is no where to be found now - so am going with an oversize pink and purple butterfly helium balloon with an 8' string and a weight to help find my place in the transition area instead! I'm not so much worried about drowning in the pool anymore as I am concerned about squandering precious time in the transition area because I can't find my stuff! Minutes matter!
Three of the angels went over to the YMCA in Vincennes this morning for the breakfast for the TRY training group - I stayed here in town to help out at the Hospice 'Memory Miles' and saw a little bit about how a 5 k walk/run can be organized - still in the learning mode to have our own event in September 2011! They said it was really nice and also to disregard the part in the rules about the transition spaces being assigned based on participant number.
This time tomorrow I'll have successfully completed my FIRST triathlon - can't wait!
Good luck to all other TRY ladies - see you tomorrow - look for the butterfly!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Angel to the Rescue!
So Wednesday night was our last get together as a group BEFORE the big event Sunday morning - somehow it was a little sad!
Since the pool was otherwise occupied with a free pool party (possibly sponsored by the radio station) our group assembled at the Washington (Elementary) School, which is next to Gregg Park. Getting 40 or so cyclists out onto Washington at 5:30 p.m. Vincennes time was a little tricky, but we all eventually got out on the route. It was hot hot hot (my car told me it was 81) and very sticky. Had raised my seat an extra little smidge and seemed to be rolling along pretty well - either that made the difference or I'm actually getting into (better) shape as I didn't seem to be huffing and puffing nearly so much as before! I even 'passed' a lady - didn't want to especially, but I didn't want to be tailgating and didn't figure she wanted me to either!
Imagine my surprise to make the turnaround and discover a severe wind in my face ALL the way back. It certainly hadn't seemed as if there was a wind at my back on the way out (never does!). Even more surprised to arrive back at the school and found I was at 48 minutes (11.1 mph!) for the ride - several minutes off my 'usual' time and a minute short of my personal best (although that was a morning ride when I was 'fresh' and it was significantly cooler and no wind!). My sweetie had come with me to check out camping sites so I opted out of the run as I had gotten dizzy during the ride - I believe this was more to do with paint/sealant fumes at work that had left me with a headache and a little queasy than to do with the ride.
So I was lingering around to help load up the other angels when they got back from the run - 3 were in and we were waiting on #4, who seemed to be taking an unusually long time... Then we started hearing fire/ambulance sirens, then they sounded closer, then they sounded even closer and the 2 instructors who were minding us took off up the road to be sure the sirens weren't for one of the athletes. We were worried about angel #4, but she turned out to be the heroine of the evening!
An older gentleman (possibly with a walker) had fallen (possibly from / on his porch) and a kid on a bike tore up to the angel, said that the man had a heart attack and did she have a cell phone. She didn't have a cell phone - but Tiffany wasn't far behind and she did - so Tiffany called 911 while angel #4, who is CPR trained, hurried over to see if what assistance might be needed. Fortunately, the gentleman did not have a heart attack, but comfort was rendered until help arrived. 2 big fire trucks and an ambulance had gotten there lickety split - comforting to know that much help is on hand if needed! We didn't hang around to see how that episode turned out but took a driving tour of Vincennes University and Kimmel Park before making our way across the river.
Since the pool was otherwise occupied with a free pool party (possibly sponsored by the radio station) our group assembled at the Washington (Elementary) School, which is next to Gregg Park. Getting 40 or so cyclists out onto Washington at 5:30 p.m. Vincennes time was a little tricky, but we all eventually got out on the route. It was hot hot hot (my car told me it was 81) and very sticky. Had raised my seat an extra little smidge and seemed to be rolling along pretty well - either that made the difference or I'm actually getting into (better) shape as I didn't seem to be huffing and puffing nearly so much as before! I even 'passed' a lady - didn't want to especially, but I didn't want to be tailgating and didn't figure she wanted me to either!
Imagine my surprise to make the turnaround and discover a severe wind in my face ALL the way back. It certainly hadn't seemed as if there was a wind at my back on the way out (never does!). Even more surprised to arrive back at the school and found I was at 48 minutes (11.1 mph!) for the ride - several minutes off my 'usual' time and a minute short of my personal best (although that was a morning ride when I was 'fresh' and it was significantly cooler and no wind!). My sweetie had come with me to check out camping sites so I opted out of the run as I had gotten dizzy during the ride - I believe this was more to do with paint/sealant fumes at work that had left me with a headache and a little queasy than to do with the ride.
So I was lingering around to help load up the other angels when they got back from the run - 3 were in and we were waiting on #4, who seemed to be taking an unusually long time... Then we started hearing fire/ambulance sirens, then they sounded closer, then they sounded even closer and the 2 instructors who were minding us took off up the road to be sure the sirens weren't for one of the athletes. We were worried about angel #4, but she turned out to be the heroine of the evening!
An older gentleman (possibly with a walker) had fallen (possibly from / on his porch) and a kid on a bike tore up to the angel, said that the man had a heart attack and did she have a cell phone. She didn't have a cell phone - but Tiffany wasn't far behind and she did - so Tiffany called 911 while angel #4, who is CPR trained, hurried over to see if what assistance might be needed. Fortunately, the gentleman did not have a heart attack, but comfort was rendered until help arrived. 2 big fire trucks and an ambulance had gotten there lickety split - comforting to know that much help is on hand if needed! We didn't hang around to see how that episode turned out but took a driving tour of Vincennes University and Kimmel Park before making our way across the river.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
"Ladder" Day - NOT!
The original plan for Monday's next-to-last TRY training was to again do all 3 components (swim-bike-run) but in shorter distances so that we would be completed within our usual 90 minute period. However, this changed DRASTICALLY when it was learned that there is a pool party on Wednesday and we won't be able to swim that night. We won't even be able to converge on Gregg Park because the pool party attendees will be taking up all the spaces.
So, to compensate for not swimming on Wednesday, we did a 'ladder' - after our 'easy' 100 meter warm up we were supposed to do 200 meters, then do 300 meters, then do 400 meters - representing going 'up' the ladder. Then go back down the ladder with a 300 meter swim, followed by a 200 meter swim, and, finally, a 100 meter cool down swim. There were several murmurs (mostly from my end of the pool - where we nonswimmers congregate since we know we won't be slowing anyone down) about wanting some of whatever the instructors had been smoking to dream up a 1600 meter outing!
By the time we were released from the pool I had somehow managed 600 meters total and did the full 50 meters across without stopping on 3 separate occasions! Still no lane ropes, so no 'swimming' on my back - but have developed something of a modified side stroke and yes, resorted to walking on occasion. Only stopped at the ends of the lane (others were stopping in the middle of the lanes - but hey, gotta do what you've gotta do!) to rest. Did manage to pass other swimmers on 2 separate occasions (they may have been stopped or walking slowly) but am learning this is really doable. Tiffany shot down a request to use snorkels so I didn't even bother to ask for the paddles!
Practiced my 'transition' from pool to run - took my cap and goggles off while walking away from the pool, pulled my swimsuit down to my hips while walking, so just had to step out of the suit, pull on my dry shirt, sit down and dry off my feet, put on socks, shoes, bandana to keep sweat out of my eyes, ball cap, sunglasses, pedometer, MP3 player, and water bottle and was ready to go! I knew I would be the last one back to made sure all my treasures were packed up and ready to go so that I just had to pick up bucket and bike and get out to the truck. Will need to check my pedometer as it said I only went 2.7 miles and I did the full distance - perhaps my 'stride' setting is off. By some wonder of wonders I wasn't the last one back and the lovely angels had loaded up my bike and bucket for me.
Got the times today from the 2009 event - very interesting (and encouraging!) reading! Apparently all 3 parts can be done in under an hour (!) but the longest time from last year was just a smidge over 2 hours. 213 individual athletes and 31 teams of 2 or 3 ladies.
Can't wait!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Putting It All Together...
All 5 angels today for training session #32 - just 2 more! Today we had the opportunity to do full distance in order for all 3 parts (swim-bike-run) - just as we will be doing in the event.
After an 'easy 100 meters' in the pool for warm up we lined up according to our swim time (fastest first), practiced entering the water (jump out, knees bent, and push off the bottom), and 'snaking' our way up and back across the pool until we finished 8 lengths (400 meters). It is really something to see 50-60 actual swimmers making their way along - of course some were done and out of the pool before my turn came to get in the pool - even though we entered 5 seconds apart. I made it all the way across the length (50 meters) the first time (in the warm up) and one other time during the activity, but didn't stop moving even though part of it was 'walking'. Without the lane ropes being on my back is pretty much a wasted effort - tried it and wandered out to another part of the pool that was no where near where I wanted to be! Was the last one out (no surprise there) but got it done.
Felt pretty good all in all as I got to the bike and did the route in 50 minutes - 3 minutes longer than Friday but I stopped to look for the reflector that jumped off my pedal on Friday. Found it but it was all smashed up so will have to work on finding a new one! No snakes today but dead raccoon, rabbit, and squirrel along the route - hope someone has the task of clearing road kill from the route before we start! The only other bit of excitement was a fierce wind in our faces on the way back, which is supposed to be the 'quick' part of the route! Max speed today of 19.8 (and not downhill!) - although for some of the ladies that is their 'coasting' speed but that's ok!
By the time I got back from the bike part some of the ladies were already getting back from their runs, so I opted out of that part and brought out the 5 bikes, buckets, etc. so that when the rest of the angels got back we could head out as they would have waited a LONG time for me!
We're getting really good at tossing in the bikes and buckets - were loaded up lickety split, especially as we had decided we had earned a McDonald's stop! 2 unsweetened teas, a sweet tea, diet coke and vanilla iced coffee later we were all feeling much better as we headed back across the river!
After an 'easy 100 meters' in the pool for warm up we lined up according to our swim time (fastest first), practiced entering the water (jump out, knees bent, and push off the bottom), and 'snaking' our way up and back across the pool until we finished 8 lengths (400 meters). It is really something to see 50-60 actual swimmers making their way along - of course some were done and out of the pool before my turn came to get in the pool - even though we entered 5 seconds apart. I made it all the way across the length (50 meters) the first time (in the warm up) and one other time during the activity, but didn't stop moving even though part of it was 'walking'. Without the lane ropes being on my back is pretty much a wasted effort - tried it and wandered out to another part of the pool that was no where near where I wanted to be! Was the last one out (no surprise there) but got it done.
Felt pretty good all in all as I got to the bike and did the route in 50 minutes - 3 minutes longer than Friday but I stopped to look for the reflector that jumped off my pedal on Friday. Found it but it was all smashed up so will have to work on finding a new one! No snakes today but dead raccoon, rabbit, and squirrel along the route - hope someone has the task of clearing road kill from the route before we start! The only other bit of excitement was a fierce wind in our faces on the way back, which is supposed to be the 'quick' part of the route! Max speed today of 19.8 (and not downhill!) - although for some of the ladies that is their 'coasting' speed but that's ok!
By the time I got back from the bike part some of the ladies were already getting back from their runs, so I opted out of that part and brought out the 5 bikes, buckets, etc. so that when the rest of the angels got back we could head out as they would have waited a LONG time for me!
We're getting really good at tossing in the bikes and buckets - were loaded up lickety split, especially as we had decided we had earned a McDonald's stop! 2 unsweetened teas, a sweet tea, diet coke and vanilla iced coffee later we were all feeling much better as we headed back across the river!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Took 4 Minutes Off My Bike Time!
Took the day off today and went with 4 of the local ladies who are TRY training on their own over to Vincennes to see the swim, bike, and run routes. We drove the bike route, then biked it - it was my 3rd time on the route and it was first thing in the morning and I dropped 4 whole minutes off my bike time! Amazing what being fresh and knowing the route a little bit will do! Saw several other ladies out doing the same thing BUT also saw several snakes slithering out of the tall grass by the railroad out onto the road (to warm up perhaps?)! The first one was on the other side of the road and I'm not terrified of snakes so that was ok. The second one, though, was on my side of the road, in the road. At first I thought it was a stick, so was going around it anyway, but then it raised it's little head and flicked it's tongue at me - the nerve! Kept me moving though - hmmm, maybe that's why my time improved!
Rainbow Beach was open for lap swim by the time we all got back in - 1 lady ran while the other 4 of us 'swam'. I only did 100 meters as I will have opportunity to swim tomorrow at training. 2 of the ladies did 400 meters and 1 swims more like I do - it isn't pretty but we'll eventually get it done! We all practiced dropping into the pool with knees bent so that we can take right off (lest the next person land on us!). Water was glorious and there were just a few other lap swimmers, so no fuss, no muss! As we were wrapping up Tiffany and Sandy (our swim instructors)came to swim - good thing I don't disillusion easily - they can really go!
I did ask the instructors where they recommended parking on event day - Washington Elementary School (on Washington Street) backs up to Gregg Park, the factory on the other side of the park also has a large lot and is empty on the weekends, she mentioned some people will park on the side streets as well. In answer to my question about MP3 player/iPod during the 'run' activity - the official position is that these types of devices are not allowed during any portion of the event - so there you have it!

A quick drive over the run route (very straightforward) and a stop at Bicycle Outfitters (not only an event sponsor but also put up a great sign in support of the 'athletes'!) where our group purchases included Jelly Beans (energy food), bottle holders, and a new helmet! A healthy lunch at Pea-fection followed before we went our separate ways back to Olney.
Rainbow Beach was open for lap swim by the time we all got back in - 1 lady ran while the other 4 of us 'swam'. I only did 100 meters as I will have opportunity to swim tomorrow at training. 2 of the ladies did 400 meters and 1 swims more like I do - it isn't pretty but we'll eventually get it done! We all practiced dropping into the pool with knees bent so that we can take right off (lest the next person land on us!). Water was glorious and there were just a few other lap swimmers, so no fuss, no muss! As we were wrapping up Tiffany and Sandy (our swim instructors)came to swim - good thing I don't disillusion easily - they can really go!
I did ask the instructors where they recommended parking on event day - Washington Elementary School (on Washington Street) backs up to Gregg Park, the factory on the other side of the park also has a large lot and is empty on the weekends, she mentioned some people will park on the side streets as well. In answer to my question about MP3 player/iPod during the 'run' activity - the official position is that these types of devices are not allowed during any portion of the event - so there you have it!
A quick drive over the run route (very straightforward) and a stop at Bicycle Outfitters (not only an event sponsor but also put up a great sign in support of the 'athletes'!) where our group purchases included Jelly Beans (energy food), bottle holders, and a new helmet! A healthy lunch at Pea-fection followed before we went our separate ways back to Olney.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Rainbow Beach is ...
... an incredibly HUGE pool once you are inside the complex (vs. outside looking in)!
About 50 TRY ladies for our first swim last night - it is a long, long, long way across the pool (50 meters vs. 25 at the YMCA) and it does get slightly deeper from the 'in' end to the turnaround end. It's not quite to my shoulders at the 'in' side but over my nose on the far side. The lane ropes/buoys were not out and it's pretty hard to see the lines on the bottom of the pool when you're on your back - this is going to take some adjustment! Water felt great though!
After being released from the pool we headed out for the full bike ride - peeling off the swimsuit and tossing on the dry shirt worked well, felt good headed out and got back from 8.93 miles in 51 minutes so not too shabby (by my pace - certainly others were back more quickly). Got back to Olney and it was still 81 degrees at 7 p.m. so we'd been out in some hefty weather but it didn't seem too bad.
Did have a bit of bad news about one of the other local ladies who has been training with a group from her community. Several of them had gone to Mt. Carmel (which has an indoor pool) to swim and then bike - they had done their workout and were headed into a parking lot to load up for home when a speed bump appeared from no where, resulting in a fall, a hard landing, and a collarbone injury that will involve 8 weeks in a sling/support and no TRY for this lady. Although grateful that injury was not any more serious, very disappointing after all the hard work in getting ready.
3 more trainings - how can this be when it seems like we've just started?
About 50 TRY ladies for our first swim last night - it is a long, long, long way across the pool (50 meters vs. 25 at the YMCA) and it does get slightly deeper from the 'in' end to the turnaround end. It's not quite to my shoulders at the 'in' side but over my nose on the far side. The lane ropes/buoys were not out and it's pretty hard to see the lines on the bottom of the pool when you're on your back - this is going to take some adjustment! Water felt great though!
After being released from the pool we headed out for the full bike ride - peeling off the swimsuit and tossing on the dry shirt worked well, felt good headed out and got back from 8.93 miles in 51 minutes so not too shabby (by my pace - certainly others were back more quickly). Got back to Olney and it was still 81 degrees at 7 p.m. so we'd been out in some hefty weather but it didn't seem too bad.
Did have a bit of bad news about one of the other local ladies who has been training with a group from her community. Several of them had gone to Mt. Carmel (which has an indoor pool) to swim and then bike - they had done their workout and were headed into a parking lot to load up for home when a speed bump appeared from no where, resulting in a fall, a hard landing, and a collarbone injury that will involve 8 weeks in a sling/support and no TRY for this lady. Although grateful that injury was not any more serious, very disappointing after all the hard work in getting ready.
3 more trainings - how can this be when it seems like we've just started?
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