Five Olney Angels - geared up and ready to go!
So here we are in our transition area full of adrenaline and no outlet yet!
Bits and pieces are coming back to me about the day:
- how supportive the zillion event volunteers in the bright orange shirts were of the participants
- helpers at the end of every swim lane to be sure we turned in the right direction
- helpers to make sure we didn't get lost in the pool house (it could happen!)
- helpers to get us over the timing pad on our way in and out of the bike route
- helpers (uniformed law enforcement) to get us through the left turn onto Washington
- helpers on bikes riding the bike route with saddle bags - I believe they were available to help had anyone thrown a chain, had a blow out, etc. - I didn't observe anyone down on the side of the road but nice to know I wouldn't have been stranded
- very little traffic on the road - at least while I was out - I guess most residents find other routes
- helpers at every intersection on the bike route - and many folks along the side to encourage all participants - not just 'their' athlete
- folks in the neighborhood where we ran who called encouragement from their porches - and those who had their sprinklers on so we could cool off if we wanted
- a few youngish boys who were more than happy to spray us with their hoses if we wanted!
- water at 2 spots along the run route - no cups rolling around on the ground either - trash cans were about 50' past the water table and we used them!
- helpers on the way back knew how far we were from the finish line - 3/4ths a mile, 1/2 a mile, etc.
- uniformed law enforcement to cross us at Washington (2 spots) and St. Clair (2 spots)
- how well marked and supervised our every step was - any point in the day where we could have possibly veered off course there was at least one volunteer (often more) to make sure we went the right way
- so grateful that I didn't have to bend over or crouch down to remove my timing chip - volunteers did this for us!
- every participant received a medal as soon as their chip was off - ribbon is pink!
- a ton of food available - and we were steered through a chute to it so that we couldn't possibly miss it - pizza, ice cream, milk shakes, sub sandwiches cut into bite size pieces, grapes, bananas, apples, oranges cut into quarters, and bags to carry it all in - and water, water everywhere!
- all hands to the finish line to greet the volunteer 'Last to TRY' - how cool was that!
- trophies for 1-2-3 finishers in each age group, top 3 teams, and for 1-2-3 finishers overall - 3 of the Illinois group of 20 trophied in their age group!
- nice group of supporters from Olney to cheer us on - very much appreciated!
- I could have sworn I saw 2 leprechans doing an Irish jig along the transition route! Thanks Hannah and Josh!
The strength of an event organized by and for women - just can't be beat!
good for you...I totally agree. Good job!