Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who's Doing the TRY and Why: Dorothy Fish

Posted with permission of the Vincennes Sun Commercial
Thursday, May 13, 2010 3:59 PM EDT

Dorothy Fish got inspired to do the SIS Women’s TRYathlon from her friend Laura Mikiska. They were having lunch together last August and Laura was talking about TRY training at the YMCA starting up again in September. Mikiska had done the TRY the previous year and was ready to keep in training for the coming one. Fish says, “I thought to myself, I would really like to do this ��” get back into shape and know I completed something that would make a difference in my health and life.”

Twenty years ago, she remembers that she walked about two miles a day four to five times a week. However, with job responsibilities and other life-changing events, she quit walking and gained weight. She seemed to be out of breath all the time doing even small things. Getting back into shape is important to her as she has a family history of heart disease. She also has other health issues ��” high blood pressure and sleep apnea.

The first thing Fish said was “I can’t swim” but Mikiska told her that they will teach you how to swim at the Y. “I thought that was great,” she says. She has been training since September. Learning to swim has been a challenge for her, but she has been meeting it. She laughs, “I sure won’t be the fastest Fish in the pool, though.”

After the lunch with Mikiska, she came home and told her daughter, Ashley Fish, what she was going to do and asked her if she would like to do the TRY too. Her daughter thought about it and said yes. Fish thought this would be a great way that she and her daughter could spend some time together. They both are doing the TRY individually.
Fish claims that the TRY training has boosted her energy. She says, “I feel better and I have lost some weight.” She adds, “I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers and I have been back on my diet since June.”

She is appreciative of her family and co-workers at the Medical Center of Vincennes who are very supportive of her efforts. If she misses a training class they are on her to keep with it. “I will admit,” she says, “There are times I think to myself ‘what am I doing?’ but then I remember how good I feel after training class is over.” In addition, her husband walks their dog “Kiser” and she rides her bike with them.

Fish has some advice to all those out there who aren’t doing the TRY. “If you haven’t done the TRY, you should give it a chance. Whether individually or part of a three person team, you will be amazed as to how good you feel both physically and emotionally.”

The TRY is for women 16-years-old and up and will consist of a 1⁄4-mile swim in the Rainbow Beach pool, a 9-mile bike ride and a 3-mile run. Women may register to do the entire TRY or as part of a team. Registration forms can be printed from at the TRYathlon sidebar or can be picked up at the Knox County Public Library, the Vincennes YMCA or the Knox County Community Foundation office on the third floor of Old National Bank at Third and Busseron Streets. For additional information, contact Kathy Rinsch at 886-0093 or

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